【同义词辨析】 2017-06-01 取消revoke-recall

revoke: implies a calling back that annuls or abrogates what was previously done: had his license ~d for ninety days.   (annulnullify都表示官方正式废除,如to annul a treaty废除合约,to abrogate a privilege废除特权)

reverse: usually applies specifically to a high court's action in overthrowing a disputed law, decree, or court decision: the court of appeals ~d the opinion of the circuit court; when applied to actions or judgments of a non-judicial nature, it implies an upsetting of what was previously done: convinced the umpire to ~ his decision.   巡回法院 (decree法令: 个人颁布的命令: 如the Pope's decree that the next year will be the Holy year教皇颁布法令明年是"圣年",有时候也可用于法院政府)

repeal: usually implies revocation of a law or ordinance by the legislative body that made it: ~ed the parking ban. (ordinance: 地方性针对特定行为的法律,权力有限)

rescind: implies the exercise of proper authority in abolishing or making void: ~ed their earlier decision in a second vote.  (abolish取消法律常规,如death abolition死刑废除) (rescind表示有权力取消废除,如Trump could rescind some congressional exemption 特朗普废除国会的一些豁免权)

recall: a less technical term, can replace any of the others: ~ a bid in bridge.     桥牌叫牌

revoke取消: 指官方正式取消(call back),reverse推翻: 指高等法院推翻(overthrow)有争议的法律法令决定,其它情况表示打乱(upset弄乱,如don't upset the sheets不要把床单弄乱)也就是取消,repeal撤销: 通常指立法机构取消自己制定的法律,rescind废除: 行使正当权力取消法律常规,recall收回: 专业性较,可替代其他各词(technical专业的,不要说成技术的,专业表示涉及专门知识技术表示对专门知识的应用)

记忆方法: 1)5个词都以词根re开头, re表示back往回<==取消

         2)取消的意思是之前做过某事之后将其废除mean to undo something previously done.